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Project Goals

This project started off with a few goals in mind.

Visualize the Model

Most modelers use paper plans to build their design. Those plans are flat and do not really show you what the model will look like in real life. I started this project with one simple goal: I wanted to be able to see my design in a more realistic way. Furthermore, I want to be able to examine it from any angle I choose, and zoom in to see details. I knew that OpenSCAD could give me that capability if I could convert my plans into a 3D model. This was a good starting point, but I wanted to go further.

Ensure Conformance to Rules

The designs I plan to come up with will not be of much value for use in competitions unless they conform to the rules for the chosen competition class. (Some modelers do not care about the rules, they only fly for fun. That is not going to be a problem.)

I want my design process to be able to check the rule constraints. By itself, OpenSCAD cannot help much here. However, it is possible to export your design into another format more suitable for making calculations that will help.

We will export our design into something called an Standard Tessellation Library file (STL) format. We can then create a simple program to process those files to get the data I need to check conformance with the rules. Since it is relatively simple to learn, I decided to use Python as my programming tool.


Python is simple enough that many kids manage to use it from a very early age. It is a very popular first language used in teaching computer programming. We will not cover Python in this work, but I have lecture notes for a first course in Python on my teaching website at I will go over the code I generated for this project so you can see how I use it in my analysis of a model design.

Estimate Model Weight

Indoor modelers sometimes obsess over the weight of things. This is no surprise. Anything that flies needs to be light, but strong enough to hold together under the stresses of flight. Lighter airplanes should fly longer than heavier ones.

Again, STL files can be used to give us the weight estimate.

If we identify the density of the material we will use for each part used in the design, we can add all of those part weights up to get the overall model weight. I found a nice Python support package that will process an STL file and give you the total volume of the part defined by that file. If we know the density of the material we will use when we build that part, we can get an estimate of the weight.

Unfortunately, estimating the weight of the glue used to bind parts together is harder to do. Surprisingly, glue weight is a significant contributor to the final weight of a competition indoor model, so modelers pay attention to this. To estimate the glue weight, we need to know the surface area of the joints we will be gluing together and the weight of the glue itself. I have an idea about doing this which will be included here as I get things worked out.

Locating Center of Gravity

We need to locate the center of gravity of our aircraft to ensure it will fly as desired. This is again something my Python support code will give us. Basically, we use the weight and Center of Mass location data for each part in the model to calculate the overall model center of gravity.

Perform Aerodynamic Analysis

I trained as an Aerospace Engineer in college. I almost completed a PhD in that discipline, but warped into a computer geek instead. I still like to work on aerodynamics programs, and I would like to do some work on my indoor designs. However, that part of my goals is not included in this project at the present time. Still, having a complete computerized model of my design is a starting point for further analysis work. Stay tuned to this channel for further bulletins!