Read time: 6.8 minutes (677 words)
Calculating Model Properties¶
For this project, we will want to calculate a few basic properties of the final design and the individual parts:
volume - total volume of the part or assembly
Weight - the design weight for the part or assembly
CG - the x,y,z location of the center of gravity of the part or assembly
Moment of Inertia - for the part or assembly
Bounds - the dimensions of a bounding box for the part or assembly
Most of these data items can be calculated using the numpy-stl package and a bit of math. We cannot get all the data from that package because it will not account for the material properties (specifically, the density) used in constructing the model. However, we can calculate mass properties for each part, then use positioning data and density information to create properties for all parts and assemblies.
We can calculate the volume of each part using the associated STL file and the numpy-stl package. We will not generate volume data for assemblies. Instead we will generate the weight os an assembly by adding up the component weights for that assembly. Weight **
Designers select the “right” material for each part, and can provide the density of that material. Much of this data needs to be entered manually, but we can create a table of standard densities for materials like aluminum, music wire, and covering materials that might be used. Most modelers calculate the density of the wood materials they use.
The design weight of each part is just the material density times the volume.
Center of Gravity¶
The numpy-stl package can calculate the center of gravity for a part, but the number they produce is based on a density of one. Once we account for the correct material density, we need to recalculate the CG by calculating the moment of the part in its final position in the model. That means we need to use the coordinate transformation data used to properly position the part in the model.
Given a CG location for a part, calculated by the numpy-stl package. If we rotate the part, that CG location is rotated as well, producing a new location for the part in its new orientation.
Moment of Inertia¶
The moment of inertial of a part tells us something about how that part will move through space.
The bounds of the model must be calculated to ensure the model meets the limits spelled out in the official rules for the class the model is designed for. For the Limited Pennyplane class, the rules limit the length of the model in an interesting way. The measurement is made from the forward most point on the propeller to the rearmost point of the model structure. These dimensions can be provided for each part by the numpy-stl package.
Houston - We have a Problem!¶
There is one significant problem in working through the center of gravity analysis. |OCS| does not provide an easy way to generate the data we need in a useful way. If we set up variables for all of our dimensions, and use the variable names in calculations within OpenSCAD code, the model will be generated correctly, but we have no way to extract the actual numbered used internally.
So, how do we extract this data so we can do our calculations?
One idea involved reading all the data and positioning files and extracting the names and values found there. Basically, that means we generate our own expressions in Python and perform the calculations as needed. This is a bit ugly because we do not have unique names for data files. Therefore, we must track the path to each data file. In OpenSCAD code, we can use relative paths to indicate what file to include or use. THis must be considered when we examine data files.
Parsing OpenSCAD code¶
SInce our data and position files only contain data declarations, it it possible to generate a parser that can read these files and get out values.
The is a nice tool available that can generate a Python parser for our purposes. The ANother Tool for Language Recognition project, created by Terence Parr, is just the tool we need!
You will not need to install this project to follow along n this part of the project. I have set things up and generated the parser code we need for you!