Source code for mmdesigner.OpenSCAD

import os
import stl
from stl import mesh
import subprocess

[docs]class OpenSCAD(object): """Management class for OpenSCAD command line interface""" def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def get_version(self): """return installed OpenScAD version""" result =['openscad', '--version'], capture_output=True) version = result.stderr.decode().split()[2] return version
[docs] def gen_stl(self, scad_path): """ Generate STL file from specified SCAD file""" print("Generating STL file from ", scad_path) err_code = 1 if not os.path.isfile(scad_path): return err_code if not scad_path.endswith(".scad"): return err_code base, ext = scad_path.split(".") stl_path = base+".stl" cmd = [ 'openscad', scad_path, "-o", stl_path ] result =, capture_output=True) err_code = result.returncode return err_code
def _get_bounds(self): """set internal bounds variables""" minx = maxx = miny = maxy = minz = maxz = None obj = self.mesh for p in obj.points: if minx is None: minx = p[stl.Dimension.X] maxx = p[stl.Dimension.X] miny = p[stl.Dimension.Y] maxy = p[stl.Dimension.Y] minz = p[stl.Dimension.Z] maxz = p[stl.Dimension.Z] else: maxx = max(p[stl.Dimension.X], maxx) minx = min(p[stl.Dimension.X], minx) maxy = max(p[stl.Dimension.Y], maxy) miny = min(p[stl.Dimension.Y], miny) maxz = max(p[stl.Dimension.Z], maxz) minz = min(p[stl.Dimension.Z], minz) self.minx = minx self.maxx = maxx self.miny = miny self.maxy = maxy self.minz = minz self.maxz = maxz
[docs] def dump_to_json(self, json_path): """write mas properties data to specified JSON file""" json = "{\n" json += ' "maxx": "%s",\n' % self.maxx json += ' "minx": "%s",\n' % self.minx json += ' "maxy": "%s",\n' % self.maxy json += ' "miny": "%s",\n' % self.miny json += ' "maxz": "%s",\n' % self.maxz json += ' "minz": "%s",\n' % self.minz json += ' "volume": "%s",\n' % self.volume json += ' "cgx": "%s",\n' % self.cgx json += ' "cgy": "%s",\n' % self.cgy json += ' "cgz": "%s",\n' % self.cgz json += ' "ixx": "%s",\n' % self.ixx json += ' "ixy": "%s",\n' % self.ixy json += ' "ixz": "%s",\n' % self.ixz json += ' "iyx": "%s",\n' % self.iyx json += ' "iyy": "%s",\n' % self.iyy json += ' "iyz": "%s",\n' % self.iyz json += ' "izx": "%s",\n' % self.izx json += ' "izy": "%s",\n' % self.izy json += ' "izz": "%s"\n' % self.izz json += '}\n' with open(json_path, 'w') as fout: fout.write(json)
[docs] def get_properties(self, scad_file): """Calculate mass properties from specified SCAD file""" scad_path = os.path.abspath(scad_file) err_code = self.gen_stl(scad_path) base, ext = scad_path.split(".") stl_file = base + ".stl" self.json_file = base + ".json" self.mesh = mesh.Mesh.from_file(stl_file) self._get_bounds() volume, cog, inertia = self.mesh.get_mass_properties() self.cgx, self.cgy, self.cgz = cog self.volume = volume self.ixx, self.ixy, self.ixz = inertia[0] self.iyx, self.iyy, self.iyz = inertia[1] self.izx, self.izy, self.izz = inertia[2] self.dump_to_json(self.json_file) return err_code
[docs] def get_bounds(self): """Return bounds data as a list""" return [ self.maxx, self.minx, self.maxy, self.miny, self.maxz, self.minz ]
if __name__ == '__main__': mgr = OpenSCAD() print(mgr.get_version()) mgr.get_properties("../tests/test_data/spar.scad") mgr.dump_to_json("../tests/test_data/spar.json")